Thursday, February 14, 2008

Who ARE You?

Gaydar, with its time tested HIGH degree of accuracy sometimes lets us down. The reasons for this can vary. The subject in question may be waffling themselves, or might not be aware of their own gayness yet. I found this to be true in college. My gaydar found at least 10 freshman lesbians who had no idea they were lesbians until their sophomore or junior years! Does that mean the gaydar is faulty? I think not, however not 100% accurate either. I also met a woman once who had me seriously questioning my gaydar, when she constantly set it off, but was married to a man, who she loved very much! I later discovered that he used to be a she, and they were high school sweethearts. Wow!

However, no matter how finely honed my gaydar may be, it does not work on people I have no contact with. People like you, my blogaudience. I know the people who comment here, some lesbians, some straight women, one straight guy, but there are many more visiting and not saying a word. Who are you? Are you more lesbians, housewives, bi-curious women, straight guys looking for girl on girl videos, photos, whatever you can find, teenage boys just chasing the word lesbian all around the Internet on your Dad's computer? To help me determine my demographic I'd like you to answer the following poll questions honestly. You do not have to sign in, or comment to vote in the poll. Thank you for your cooperation!


roro said...

Hahahaaaa! Oh, polls. How I love them! Well done, you.

RED MOJO said...

roro, thanks, you are my hero!

Ces Adorio said...

So what does this poll mean? Why do I come here? I think you are a riot.

RED MOJO said...

ces, It tells me what kind of visitors are skulking here. I don't know, but I love that you do.

Slip said...

As the straight guy I do not know for sure how I got here,most likely a link from another blog. I can tell you why I come back, you are a lot like me, funny with a very dark side.

I never had one of those wife beaters,either a T shirt or bare chested for me. The scrunchie shows promise maybe.If I were to ever wake-up gay it would most likely be as a lesbian craftsman.

RED MOJO said...

slip, I'm starting to take a shine to you too. Thanks!

kj said...

i have to re-read this post when i am more awake. serves me right for staying up late.

oh, but i do know you're pretty funny. i come here because i like you and your blog(s).

i never know what to say about gaydar. sometimes i'm wrong. other times you can't question experience and observation. then again, i had NO idea about doris day!!!


TheWeyrd1 said...

so...I visited yesterday and took all the polls. What were the results? Do we get to see a tally? BTW, I only like 2 wife beaters and both have is white with a beer logo and the other is turquoisey blue with a bar logo (of the obvious variety). That wasn't an option on your poll dang it.

RED MOJO said...

kj, I don't think gaydar can be truly accurate without meeting someone in person, so don't feel bad about Doris Day, although I did peg Ellen Degeneres the first time I saw her stand up, back in 1990.

theweryd1, you can click on results on all the poll questions and see the results. It's not conclusive, but I think I'm getting about half and half.

Slip said...

Until yesterday I thought Gaydar was a Saturday morning cartoon super hero.

Ces Adorio said...

Well I never had a Gaydar and have been smacked right in the face with a parade of lesbian co-workers who never mentioned anything about it and I was shocked and surprise when I was told they were indeed women with saphhic persuasions after they left. I was very fond of some of them and cared a lot about them. I have to tell you I could not even say the word and started saying the letter "L" and then finally whispered it and then just said it out loud. I am seldom faced with any opportunity especially in a straight, southern Baptist city. Having developed a very close and loving friendship with my best friend has more than opened my eyes. I was always afraid to even go to sites that mentioned the word because I am afraid I might get a cookie and bombarded with a lot of nude women. To think that I draw and paint a lot of nude women...

RED MOJO said...

slip, glad I could shed some light on that for you. Did you get my email?

ces, gaydar comes with being gay. That's why you don't have it. When you spend lots of time around us, you can start to tell about others more easily, but we have a kind of built in sense of it, so we can find in other in a world where we often have to hide or true selves.