I have.
Last year, I was at the UPS store where I rent a box. I was picking something up, and said something mildly humorous, as is my habit when I'm there. I caught a glimpse of a woman over to the side, using a copier or something, who was amused, and she looked up and smiled at me. She had an incredible smile that just beamed at me, and my brain just ceased-up... stopped working... froze. I realized I wasn't breathing, so I restarted that process, took my package and got in my truck. As I started to pull out of my space, out came the woman with the beautiful smile. She saw me, smiled again, and waved! What do I need as far as signals go? How lame am I? I guess I was waiting for her to crawl up onto the hood, and knock on the windshield. I waved back quickly, forgot to smile back at her, and pulled out wondering if she liked my tail lights.
I got about a quarter of a mile down the road, when suddenly out of nowhere, a thought occurred to me. Yes, that's how long it took for my brain to begin to process what had just happened, but I've always been prettier than I am smart. I stepped on the brakes, I thought about turning around and driving back there, top speed, to try and catch her before she left! Then I thought about how retarded that would look, me barreling into the parking lot and blocking her car, so she'd stop, jumping out of my vehicle, racing up to her window, and saying, "Hi, I'm Red Mojo. I was wondering if you'd like to go have a cup of coffee with me?"