I have been spending wasting Way too much time on Facebook. I have tried to cut down the number of applications that I have so I can get in and out quickly, but I still break down and add more, and more, applications that save the rain forest, and animals, and clean water, and feed people, and fight cancer, and fund research, and stop abuse, and help survivors, it goes on and on. I feel it's the least I can do, but it's really the most I can do, and then some. If I had a full time job right now, there wouldn't be enough hours in the day. That being said, I would like to share an annoying feature of facebook with you.
Facebook knows my sexual orientation, so I am bombarded with these adds constantly. And to be honest, I'm a bit hard pressed to understand who the actual target of these adds is.
Since these are not lesbians, one has to think they are going for straight men. There are several of these on facebook that are advertising a lesbian dating site. I'm thinking the entire website is full of nothing but straight men all pretending to be lesbians! It's really pretty funny when you think about it!
I would love to be a fly on the wall in this dating site just to read some of the emails and see the pictures that all these men are sending each other in the hopes of finding a hot bi-sexual woman who'll consent to sleep with the fake lesbian straight guy and his wife, once he somehow breaks the news to her that he's not a lesbian, and then talks his wife into it. Little does he know, the hot bi-sexual woman is also a straight guy trying to get hooked up in a threesome with two women. Wow! Even I'm confused. The one thing I'm not confused about is the sexuality of the "lesbians" in the photos. Yes, there are feminine lesbians, but please, don't insult me, or my gaydar!